The look of a catalogue means much to a business. The perfect and professional product catalogue is a standout highlight of the business’s name and fame in the market. Product catalogues are designed to promote the merchandise of a retail store. Product catalogues are designed as a means of advertising a store and its merchandise among the customers. They are handed over to the customers on visit to the store and emailed to the clients. Therefore, the popularity of catalogue printing service is at its peak.
Determine the catalogue type depending on the types of products that a company or store deals in. Identify each product and categorize it in accordance with its type. Distinct categorization of products in a catalogue is a key to the professional image of the company.
The quality pictures of products add to the visual dimensions of a product catalogue. Click photograph of each eastyl product in the properly lit environ. It is better to photograph the items against an attractive setting or a blank background. It is a clicking idea to create different settings for different products. Assess the quality of the product pictures.
Add some textual content to the photographic presentation of your products in the catalogue. Introduce the items through pithy and punchy descriptions focusing on their features, pricing and other details. If there are instructions regarding the use of a particular product, include the user instructions to the description. It will highlight the illustrative aspect of the product catalogue.
Arrange the product categories and pages in the catalogue using a page layout software program like QuarkXpress, InDesign or Corel Venture. Experiment with variations in designing the product pages and outlining the product descriptions. Sophistication in guise of simplicity is a professional highpoint of a product catalogue.
Obtain quotes from several catalog printing houses. Printing catalogue estimate varies with different levels of paper quality and design.